Ammit Creative


2024 is all about … well, whatever is on our mind and useful for our clients. Here’s what we’ve been talking about. And subscribe here to get our monthly newsletter delivered to your inbox.

January – Why we love design thinking

February – Why we love charisma

March – Why we love the rule of 3

April – Why we love humanization

May – Why we love plain talk

In 2023, we shined a light on the systems that sit behind, and animate, a successful content strategy. Click below to read more…

January – Why we love content mission statements

February – Why we love audience personas

March – Why we love content audits

April – Why we love content assessments

May – Why we love journey maps

June – Why we love content maps

July – Why we love editorial calendars

August – Why we love brand guidelines

September – Why we love storyboards

October – Why we love checklists

Throughout 2022, our monthly newsletter highlighted a variety of content formats, from e-newsletters to slideshows to glossaries. Check out the info we’ve shared to date below. Click to read. And enjoy!

January – Why we love e-newsletters

February – Why we love whitepapers

March – Why we love flowcharts

April – Why we love video storyboards

May – Why we love glossaries

June – Why we love slideshows

July – Why we love cheat sheets

August – Why we love listicles

September – Why we love myth busters

October – Why we love social cards

November – Why we love infographics

December – Why we love ecards


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