Practical marketing strategies for your upcoming projects
Our dedicated team of specialists aim to realize your ideas & achieve great project results with modern marketing techniques & latest strategies.We’re glad you asked.
To understand our name, you need to know two women: our founder … and an ancient Egyptian demon goddess.
Because yep, Ammit is an ancient demon goddess. Often called the Devourer, Ammit gobbles up the hearts of the undeserving when they die. If that sounds like a strange character to name a content marketing firm after, you should get to know our founder and leader, Malayna Evans. In addition to a passion for clients and content, Malayna is a legit expert in ancient history. So when she started the biz, a demon goddess who specializes in understanding life stories, analyzing emotional realities, and gobbling up hearts seemed like an appealing fit.
To learn more about Malayna, content marketing, and possibly an occasional dash of ancient history, check out our blog.